Sunday, February 27, 2011

February in review

February was a fast and fun month. It started with me running a huge CBRN(Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear) Challenge for all my soldiers. Then I got promoted to 1LT on the 10th!!!

Then Valentine's Day hit and it lasted forever. The kids got boxes from both sets of Grandparents and both were loved! The day before V-day we called Grandma Cori for her giant chocolate chip cookie recipe. She has traditionally made giant heart shaped ones for the boys for years. I thought that we would keep the tradition alive and do it at home this year. I might be a master baker but that is one recipe I will have to try a few times to make it turn out. That will teach me to try and improvise. : )

The weather has gotten really warm here after the first week where we has temps in the teens and a "snow storm" aka 3/4 of and inch. In fact I had a 5 day weekend last week because I had my jaw repaired from some Army damage a few years back and the kids and I slept in our tent in the back yard. They had an absolute ball doing something different with mommy. Baleigh

Last Sunday Thor decided to play barber and cut Baleigh's hair! IT was a terrible mullety-rat tail. So now she has a cute little pixie cut that melts my heart.

WE are officially out of debt! And as a result have started upgrading a few things that we have been putting off. The kids have been sleeping on mattresses that were very used when they were handed down to us. So, we went shopping yesterday and purchase new kooshy mattresses  for our munchkins. They also got their room re-arranged this week. Being as they are getting older we decided it was ok to let them sleep in bunk beds. So Tuesday evening Jake and I bunked their beds and they LOVE it. Thor sleep up top and talks about how he is just like an orangutan sleeping in a nest. In one picture he actually looks a little like one with his orange hair. Too cute.

What a lot accomplished in a short month.


  1. Does Baleigh have a new 'do? It looks like she's gotten a short crop:) WAY EASIER, right?

  2. she does have a new hair style. Thor started it for us and then we had a professional "fix" it because it was so bad. It is way easier to do - and she looks so much like Jake when he was little with crazy hair just like hers.
