Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Elf on the Shelf - 2013

Leif found Baby Jesus. He's such a good babysitter.

Snowball fight with the fairies

The Ben Ten Aliens have taken our poor Leif hostage

Self portrait time

Just hanging around in the stocking- making sure they were securely hung for Santa. He left a note and money so we could go to a Saturday morning North Pole Pancake Breakfast and meet Mr and Mrs Clause

Sleigh ride in a sneaker.

Elf Kisses. Hershey kisses in a little bag.

Such a pretty potty

Fishing for Goldfish

Just sayin'

Toasting marshmallows

Someone sneezed on poor Leif and he caught a cold.

Little scamp stole the stockings and hung undies on the mantle. Clean ones of course.

T.P.  the hallway

MMMM pure maple syrup for breakfast. Delish.

Mission Impossible. Only Leif can snatch a candy cane like that.
Even elves love Angry Birds

Snitching some of the Nielsen 'Mis-Mas Milk - AKA Eggnog.

Hiding in the flowers

Tubby Time

That cookie exchange was amazing! Leif loved the sprinkle ones the best.
Game night in toyland

Someone wants to bake cookies

Homemade elf sized doughnuts. Baleigh actually ate them.

Seems like a hot cocoa kind of night

Flying High

Joining forces with another elf.
This was the second year we have had an Elf on the Shelf. I made the commitment that each night I would take a few minutes and make the magic of Christmas just a little more special for the kids. I missed a couple of nights but we did pretty darn good. The kids are already looking forward to when little Leif comes back this coming winter. I hope they remember some of these crazy things.

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