Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome 2012

We ushered in the new year with very little fan fare. The Wednesday prior to the new year Baleigh told me her tummy felt sick. I told her to just go lay down and about midnight she had all the symptoms of the full blown stomach flu. I stayed up with her after Jake had drawn her a warm bath and I got her bed cleaned up and laundry started. I then got up and went to work for a half day before my weekend started. When I came home I took a nap with Bean because I was feeling under the weather. (it was so warm the past few weeks that Jake cut the lawn that day as well) By that night she was feeling better and somewhere around one in the morning on Friday morning I was sick. I can only compare the stomach cramps I had to child birth to give you any indication of what I felt like. I slept until 12:45 PM Friday afternoon and then I started feeling much better. I though the boys were going to be home free until Saturday evening when Thor told me his tummy hurt. I gave him some pepto to hopefully help with the tummy upset and hoped for the best. He woke me up Sunday morning at 6AM and told me he didn't feel good- then promptly ran to the waste basket and threw up. He was a real trooper and managed to make it to an acceptable receptacle every time he got sick. He kicked the sick faster than Bean or I, and was eating real food again by Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately Jake started feeling ill late that evening. He was up all night on Sunday and slept the majority of the day on Monday (thankfully I had Monday off too). The kids and I cleaned and disinfected the house and opened it up to get the sick air out. Jake was feeling better but still slept a full night last night. Hopefully we are done with being sick for this year. 2012 made a very rough entry but it is still welcome. We are now less than 5 months before we move out of Texas and are in full blown planning mode to make a clean exit from the Army.

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