Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Bend In The Road

For some reason since my last post I feel that the kids have made it to the bend in the road. Something changed - or maybe its just me. Lately I have thought that they are exceptionally cute. Regularly Baleigh cracks me up with her inventive name calling. We have a game that we play where we call eachother silly names - and I really mean silly- she calls me a nose, I respond with "turkey", she shoots back with "book" and on it goes. My favorite the last few days has been when I pinch her butt and run away saying "squishy butt" to which she responds " NO! I'm a hard butt" It just cracks me up! We have been snuggling more and watching TV less. Playing more games and spending less time getting upset about things. Thor has all of the sudden seemed so grown up. When he got sick he lost about 5 lbs and I don't think he gained it back. Now he looks like a boy and definitely not my baby anymore.

In other good news, I found out in the last month that my sister Holly and her husband Justin are expecting a baby girl around the time we move home. AND My sister-in-law Tracie and my brother Chris are expecting a girl within a couple weeks of my sister Holly! Its going to be such a fun summer. I am so excited to be near family.

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