Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thanksgiving Time 2011

The week prior to Thanksgiving Jake's mom Diane came to visit us for 2 weeks. It was fun having an extra adult in the house. Jake and I managed to get out to see the new Twilight movie together which was so nice and we even got out to do a little Holiday shopping.

Its so convenient having a second vehicle so that we don't have to juggle who is going to have the car when. Everyone was able to go do fun things while I took the bike to work - luckily here in Texas there is only about a 2 week span of time when riding is out of the question. Jake and Grandma D. and the kids went to the Circus, saw Happy Feet 2, and went to 2 story times during the week while I was at work.

Thanksgiving was the typical feasting day we have come to know and love. I did very little prep this year and we still managed to eat by 12:30PM. We had a 13 lb turkey, stuffing, corn casserole, waldorf salad, mashed potatoes, gravy, potato buns (Jake's Mom's family recipe), and cranberries in a can and pumpkin pie. We discovered that Baleigh LOVES cranberry sauce when she at an entire can by herself. Good thing I got two cans I guess. Next year I am hoping we are home and I can host a giant family get together. I have been dying to do this for years and I may just get my chance- hope our house is big enough for ton of people.

We watched Christmas movies and lounged around all day. And for several day afterwards. It was so nice to just relax.

We went to see the Nature In Lights on Baleigh's Birthday and she cracked us all up with one of her comments. The picture below is of the entrance that has lighted decorations over the road. Baleigh's response was "look at the floating mustache!"

                                                 The "Floating Mustache"

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