Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ginderbread Trailer Park in "Thor-nado alley"

We began constructing our annual gingerbread house this year and encountered some serious structural issued due to the inadequate hardening of our royal icing. We decided to adjust fire after about 30 minutes and change our vision.
Bean with her brightly decorated tree, gingerbread girl and snowman.
Thor seems surprised but its just his difficulty giving a genuine smile to the camera these days.
Here is the top of our Gingerbread Trailer. So much easier to put together and if its decorated slightly gaudy- no one in the neighborhood judges.
Mission complete! Casa de Nielsen is a magnificently decorated holiday centerpiece. Until.......
Nope, still beautiful. And then......
Thor slipped and his chin crashed into the roof of our trailer. It was like nothing I have ever seen. Thankfully I was well rested and already had my expectations of a perfect gingerbread mansion thoroughly dashed. After checking to see if he was ok I just laughed. Baleigh was crushed and kept saying "but its not beautiful anymore". I felt bad for her because she had worked so hard on making it just so.

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