Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dinosaur Valley State Park

This past weekend we took a spur of the moment trip to Glen Rose, Texas. We were going about our quiet typical Saturday - then around 11 Jake and I started talking about taking the kids to the Dinosaur Valley State Park. By 11:35 we were packed for an overnight trip and in the car on our way.

Just outside the park is Dino World. IT is over 100 life sized models of dinosaurs. Aside from being a typical HOT Texas summer day it was awesome. The kids ran around being amazed at the sheer size of the creatures. We then went down the road to the State park where you can actually walk in the foot prints of a dinosaur. We splashed around in the Paloxey River and stood in the foot prints of two different types of dinosaurs. IT was pretty amazing.

WE had intended on continuing the weekend and going to the Dallas Zoo the next morning but we were exhausted from the heat and helping two toddlers rock climb (its not easy to get down to the river and back up again) all day. So we stopped for dinner at the Koffee Kup ( A Hico, Texas diner) and discovered a hidden gem in rural Texas. Ask Jake about the Pie one of these days. We decided to just head home and although the kids were dissapointed by not getting to go camping it was nice to wake up in our own beds and just kick around the house on the last day of an great weekend.

Oh, almost forgot- I found a dress to my sister Holly's wedding this weekend too. So excited I have something nice to wear again.

1 comment:

  1. I love the spontaneity you guys have! Sounds like so much fun! And congrats on the dress find. Not easy to find a good dress!
