Sunday, October 3, 2010

5 years and going strong!

On Friday we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary to each other. Pretty amazing! When we went through out marriage counseling with the chaplain he told us something that I don't think I will ever forget. There are two things that will stress a marriage more than anything else, "finances and moving". Well we have dealt with more than our fair share of moves in the last 5 years. This last one brought our family up to 10 moves total - so far. WE have also dealt with being on the bottom rung of the financial ladder. We have been separated by miles and by years. We have driven 100,000 miles, most of that with at least one child and sometimes with only one parent. We have acquired and lost two dogs, and then the cat came along. We have slept on the floor and celebrated the purchase of the most amazing bed ever! We have lived in small apartments and huge old houses. We went from two babies in diapers to two independent kids. I wouldn't say it has been easy but we have done one heck of a good job getting to where we are. Some people may not agree that it is the best life for the Nielsen's but we wouldn't go back for one second. Happy anniversary Jake!

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