Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall has arived....sort of...

It is finally cool enough to consider it fall in central Texas. It has taken its sweet time in getting here. It is now really nice in the morning when I get up to do PT and the kids can actually go outside with out spontaneously combusting.

This weekend we are headed to San Antonio for Thor's birthday weekend. We decided since family can't always be near us to have parties that we will make our own party. We are picking a theme and and running with it. Thor is still fascinated with whales and sharks and sea creatures of any kind so we are going to go to Sea World (neither Jake or I have ever been) and going to have a blast.

Baleigh has decided that she is a giant panda recently and so we are going to take a mini trip up to Memphis in November to visit one of the three zoo's in the US that have giant panda's. She has even picked out a set of panda cupcakes that she wants for her birthday.

SO looking forward to a nice long weekend....its almost like a mini vacation.

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