Friday, November 8, 2013

Parent Teacher Confernces - Baleigh

I have been dreading parent teacher confrences for some time now. I never know what is going to come out and I strive so hard to keep our children up to speed in all things academic. Last night we had Baleigh's meeting with her teacher Mr. Blakely. He was nothing short of gushing on how awesome Baleigh is in class. He said that he has challenged her with reading in class that he said most of his students won't see until next year. He also said she excels at math and is one of the class leaders. In her areas of strength he wrote, "-Always working hard + participating  - Plays and works hard with others  - Helps all of her classmates   - Great role model!"  We could not have been more proud. I will get back to posting about Thor's conferences later.

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