Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday Baleigh

This time 6 years ago I was up and realized we were going to have a baby. We still didn't know if we were going to have a boy or a girl though. I was supposed to make pies for Thanksgiving dinner at the Nielsen's but called and told them I was not feeling up to it that day. We spent the day hanging out with family until dinner. I was determined not to make the rookie mistake of going to the hospital hungry. I ate my fill and by then contractions were just a few minutes apart. Jake and I headed out to the hospital leaving our little 1 yr old Thor with peepaw and his uncles. About 3 hours after getting to the hospital, we had our dark haired, outspoken little girl. She hasn't stopped talking since she was born. She has never met a stranger and she can talk your ear off if you give her the opportunity. She's a take charge kind of girl that reminds me of myself in many ways. She tends to be a bit bossy with her brother, but at the end of the day they still love each other very much. I relish the moments after they are in bed and I hear whispers and go to check on them.. only to find them huddled together in one of their rooms reading books and whispering conspiratorially. Happy birthday to our little Baleigh Evelyn Angel Nielsen - can't imagine our world without our little BEAN.

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