Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Merry-Happy-Christmas-Birthday-Mother's-Day ALL IN ONE!LA

Last Christmas Jake's mom Diane got him tickets to see "The Book of Mormon" for his birthday weekend - 5 MONTHS AWAY!!! We eagerly anticipated the show for all 5 of those months. Making plans of leaving the kids with grandparent's and having a whole weekend away in the city. As time got closer plans do what they are wont to do, disintegrate. Grandma D. offered to watch the kids for us overnight if we wanted but Baleigh came down with tonsillitis just 24 hours before we were to leave. Pair that with no dog sitter and we ended up making this just a day trip.  

After we had dropped the kiddos with Grandma D. - Jake and I overlooking the river.

I love this picture of the two of us at the Bank Of America Theater. In case you can't tell from our huge smiles, we LOVED the show. Very funny.

Grandma Diane and her two grand-kids! Baleigh helped design the mother's day necklace Diane is wearing. Origami Owl is such a cool company!

My nephew Ryan showing his stink face on us. I just love his little jacket - it was Thor's when he was this size and it makes me smile. This was at my brother and sister-in-law's house across town for mother's day.

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