Saturday, May 26, 2012

Less than a week!

Here we are just 4 days away from picking up the moving truck. I can not believe the time is gone and we are here. It is such a relief and a ton of stress at the same time. Leaving the Army is about 10 times more difficult than joining. I guess it is to deter those who don't really want to leave. Yeah right!

The house will be packed by Tuesday night and I am praying that I can snag a few guys from my shop to come by and help us pack truck on Wednesday afternoon. That would be great and take some of the physical strain off of Jake and I. We had originally thought that we would have two full days to pack the truck but due to some Army scheduling we now have all day on Wednesday and until 10 AM on Thursday morning. We will be "homeless" after our 11 AM housing inspection and will be at a hotel here in Killeen until Friday morning. I have go to one final meeting on Friday morning where I will receive my DD 214 ( piece of paper showing that I served in the military). After that I run (literally) down to the finance office and then I am cleared from the Army. I will then race (in the car) over to my unit and drop off copies of my paperwork. Then I am truly free to leave.

I will head back to the hotel and pick up Baleigh and Porkchop in the car and Jake and Thor will be taking the moving truck. Hopefully it will only be about 10 AM at this point and we can get the heck out of dodge.

The plan is to make it to Missouri by the time the sun sets and finish our trip to our new home on Saturday. Sunday we should be doing some unpacking and spending Sunday lunch with the family. Between now and then we have the potential for two new nieces to be born!!! We are looking forward to seeing family and friends and getting settled into our new fabulous life.

Just to catch you all up in case you missed it.

Tuesday Thor lost his first tooth on the way back from Sea World. It had been wiggly for some time so he was so happy for it to come out. The tooth fairy left him one whole dollar which he quickly spent at the thrift store the next day buying a Pug puppy (stuffed animal) that he named Mr Beefy (after a book of poems he got at the library called "I ate A Pie"- a little pug eats a pie in case you were wondering).

We had free passes to use at SeaWorld before the end of the year and since there are few places like this in the Midwest we couldn't pass up the opportunity to go one more time. The kids has  an awesome time and we even got to sit in the splash zone at he Orca show. That water is COLD and SALTY in case you were wondering. lol. One of the highlights was getting to feed the California Sea Lions some fish and squid. I hope this is an experience that the kids remember for a lifetime. I know that I will.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe your moving date has come already, too! How exciting! I'll pray it all goes as smoothly as possible for your last day and for the drive up.
