Monday, June 20, 2011

Where has June gone?

Its less than a week until my birthday and I feel like I have no idea where June got to! Last week was an absolute whirlwind of activities. I was prepping for my big event for the year - Organizational Day! and the arrival of one of my best friends - Katie!

I have been planning the Org Day for about 8 weeks now. It is an annual picnic for my entire battalion. Last year it was about 800 people. This year it was more like 2,000+ people. I was in charge of organizing EVERYTHING. That included 4 different inter-mural activities, procuring sporting equipment, trophies, planning family activities for kids from baby to high school, finding a location, getting all the permits necessary to  host such a large event, and then there was the matter of food. I had 2,000 hamburgers, 18,000 hot dogs (buns to accompany both) and all the fixin's, salads, watermelon, chips, baked beans and a spectacular cake to end the day.

Two days  before the event my bread vendor called me to tell me that the individual tasked with picking up the bread had taken it upon himself the week prior to cancel half of my bread order so I was short about 1400 burger buns. I then had to scramble to find a place to purchase that quantity and within my budget. Lets just say some kid was doing some serious pushups to pay for the fact that he "thought" he knew what he was doing. [We ended up getting them due to my awesome shmoozing skills]

19 hours before the event the vendor for my salads [wal mart] called to tell me that they did not have the salads that i had ordered several weeks prior. When I questioned them as to why this had happened they tried to blame it on me! I not so calmly asked to talk to a manager and was put on hold- and then disconnected. When I called back I was told no manager was available but they would take my name and get back to me. I was TICKED! Three hours later Herb called me to see what my issue was. When I explained it he was so apologetic and although they could not get me the pasta salad and cole slaw that we had originally ordered he could get me a couple hundred pounds of mustard potato salad to fill the whole. AT NO COST to my Unit! He personally took care of my order and was a super awesome guy. I sent him a note of thanks for all his help. What an awesome guy!

There were multiple other issues the day prior to the event the last one being resolved about 10 hours prior to "game time".

The even went off beautifully. Although there were many hickups behind the scenes there was nothing that help up the show. I got major kudos from my BN Commander which is a huge deal. I am hoping for an award out of this one. : )

We picked up one of my best friends from college (Katie) on Friday afternoon at the Austin Airport and took her out to the Original Salt Lick BBQ in Driftwood, TX. Unfortunately for her she visited during the first heat record breaking week we have had in central Texas in a while. It was never under 100 and reached 106 one day. So, we shopped, went to  the movies and out to eat. It was relaxing and a very laid back visit that I really enjoyed. There are some people that are just meant to be your friend and she is one of them. We can go a year without getting together with one another and when we finally do meet up its like no time has past and we are still best friends. We went out and saw Bridesmaids one night just she and I and it was HILARIOUS! It was good to get out with someone for a change. The kids love their Auntie Katie and I think the most memorable part of her being here for Thor was the games on her phone. She has a game called Angry Birds but Thor kept calling it "mad birds" - I thought that was so cute.

Katie headed home yesterday but we will see her in just about a week. We have made plans to take a central US driving tour. On Saturday we will leave on our trip. We will drive the first day from Texas to Memphis, TN. The plan is to check out Graceland since we didn't see it in November when we visited and hit up the legendary Blue Plate for breakfast. Sunday afternoon we'll head towards Nashville, making a stop in Mason, TN at Gus's Chicken for some spicy fried chicken (we saw this place on Best Thing I Ever Ate).

Nashville is the end point for our Sunday and where I get to spend my birthday this year! In Nashville we intend on visiting the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Parthenon (sounds really cool) and catch breakfast at the Pancake Pantry (featured on Man Vs. Food Nation).

Monday afternoon/evening we'll continue on to Louisville, KY where we will spend the night. If we have time we might hit up the Dinosaur World in Cave City, KY. We stopped there two years ago right after I had got commissioned and it was great! In Louisville the plan is to hit up the Zoo since it is included in our membership to the Waco Zoo and we will get in for FREE! Then we'll swing over to the Slugger factory and take a tour of the factory.

That is going to be a big day but we will get back in the car and finish the day out in Indianapolis. We have made plans to get together with our old neighbors (who are actually moving to Fort Campbell that week) and then hit up the Children's Museum and maybe a water park while we are there.

Wednesday evening we will be heading up to Chicago for a few days. Although both Jake and I have spent a lot of time in the City we have not done some of the more touristy things there. This time we are pulling out all the stops. Baleigh and I are going to go to the American Girl Place and get her baby's hair done and maybe pick out a new outfit or two. Thor wants to go to the Museum of Science and Industry and check out the human heart that is big enough for a four year old to go through. WE are going to check out the Sears Tower since it is free to military and then go to the Water Tower Place for some lunch. We're going to get  a hotel down town so that we are right at the heart of the activity.

Friday we will be heading down to see Jake's family for a couple of days. Katie has extended the invitation to us for 4th of July to go out to a friend's farm and have a bon fire and set off fire works. I think that that sounds like alot of fun.

Tuesday we will start out for home and I will sign back in from vacation on 7 July. Lets just say I CAN"T WAIT!!!!! I just loved these pictures of Jake and the kids so i wanted to share.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Plane Trip- Holly and Justin's Wedding.

About 5 AM on 1JUN11 we woke the kids up to take their very first plane trip. They were so excited to be going to see Grandma Jill and Grandpa Bob on "the farm". When we got to the airport there was a ridiculously long line in the security area for some reason. After we had been in line for about 15 minutes one of the TSA guys came up and started chatting up Jake and the kids. He saw my ACU colored back pack and asked if we were active duty. I said that yes I was and he instructed us to bypass the line that we were in and go directly to the Priority line where there was no one waiting. He then told us that most airlines recognize active duty military as Priority clients and that we shouldn't have to wait in line again.
The kids enjoyed the whole flying experience. Baleigh and Jake both took naps on the way to Chicago but Thor was awake drawing in his new note book the whole way. The kids have never used markers before so I got some short kid sized (washable) ones for the trip, along with some cool notebooks, and stickers. I also brought the Ipod and Thor quickly discovered a game called parachutes that neither Jake nor I had ever seen on it. When the flight attendant came by to see what we wanted to drink Baleigh asked for some pretzels. Although they don't typically serve snacks to non first class passengers she slipped a packet of trail mix to me for each of the kids. They were so thrilled.

When we got to Chicago we rented the car and headed to Jake's mom's place to pick her up for a Portillo's lunch. It was a little backtracking but so worth it! I was so proud that Baliegh at a whole Chicago style hotdog with out picking anything off. The only downside to going to the Portillo's downtown was that due to traffic and road construction we ended up not getting to my parent's place until about 6PM.
On Thursday I spent the day assisting my mom and sisters in decorating the reception hall for the wedding. We thought it was only going to be a couple of hours and it ended up taking all day. : ) It was fun working with my family on something like this. I wasn't able to make it to the last family wedding and it had been almost a year since I had been home so it was nice to spend some serious quality time with everyone.

When we got back home Jake and I packed the kids up and headed down to the Shannon area to visit some friends from Junior College. "Chuck" and Deanna have two girls Samantha (7) and Katlyn (5). Last  year when we were home we had had dinner with them Katlyn developed a slight crush on Thor. It was still here this year. She let him drive her mini "gator" around the yard and was excited to take him on his first tractor ride. We rode around the farm in a wagon and the kids LOVED it! For as hard as I have tried to get away from farm life my kids sure embrace it when they get there.
                                                          Thor and I at Culver's
                                                         Hannah at the Wedding Rehearsal
                                     Niece Emma (2yrs) wearing  a dress that Baleigh used to love
                              Niece Ivy (almost 1yr) - She was born when we were home last summer
                                                         My big brother Chris and Niece Ivy
                                        Sister-In-Law Tracie, Nephew Cole, Brother Chad, and Thor
The night of the rehearsal dinner I had planned a little Bachelorette party for Holly. From the picture above you can see our evening's entertainment ended up being pretty low budget (for those of you who don't recognize him - that's my dad!) He was just being goofy and it was HILARIOUS!!!
We played a few games that embarrassed my sister and I am pretty sure she LOVED every minute of it. It was just supposed to be the Bride's Maid's and sister in law's but my mom ended up coming along with one of my aunt's and another one of my cousin's. Thankfully I had a few extra gift bags!

                                       The morning of the wedding- before we got our hair done!
Only the 5 of us will know exactly what happened right before I took this picture- Those are genuine smiles!
                                                           Brother Caleb and Sister Hannah
                                             Niece Kylie and Baleigh in their wedding dresses
                                             Nephews Gage and Cole
                                 Mother and Father of the Bride - my mom had an awesome dress.
                                                        Emma and Baleigh sharing a laugh
                                                              Chilling on the porch swing
                                      Watering plants with Grandpa Bob before we left for the airport.
                                                            Dino in the O'hare Airport