Monday, December 13, 2010

Random Chrirstmas Pictures.

Every year since Thor's second Christmas we have made gingerbread houses. This year we made a train instead. The kids still loved it. It is one of my favorite Christmas traditions.

Just to clear this up before someone thinks we gave this away or something - this is dessert for the kids for a few days. So if they decide to eat frosting out of the bag while making it, I don't mind.

This is Baleigh making a door hanging at our village Christmas Party. She had a ball and didn't want to leave when it was time for us to go. We couldn't stay long because I had to go to the St Barbara's Day Ball. I would have much rather stayed and made crafts with them.
Santa wasn't actually receiving kids yet but when we asked if the kids could take a quick picture before we had to leave he was only too happy to put them up on his lap for a photo.

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