On Friday Thor had a consultation with an oral surgeon. He has to have a tooth extracted before it becomes and issue for his adult teeth. While discussing pain management options during the operations, we opted against Novocain and laughing gas, in favor of a liquid drug that will make him forget the whole appointment. I was very forthcoming in the steps of the process and he seemed to be at peace with what was going to happen.
The following evening I was talking with my mom and told her what was going to happen. Thor came out of his room and was hysterical. He explained through his tears and snot bubbles that he was scared about his surgery. I had no idea why he was so worried, until he said he had heard what I said to grandma. He said he heard me say he would not remember anything and he didn't want to lose his whole memory. He wanted to know about animals and stuff! He was so sincere it was heartbreaking. I explained that the only thing he would not remember would be the surgery. That seemed to calm him enough to allow him to go back to bed.
It was just too funny of a story not to share.
Poor kid! It's amazing how we don't realize the way their little brains will interpret stuff.