I am so thankful every day that our kids are able to have a full time stay at home parent. Children who have multiple babysitters/go to day care catch so many illnesses. I see it every day with the people I work with every day. We have been exceptionally blessed by few illnesses in the last two years for both of our monsters. However, right after spring break both of our kids came down with fevers, HORRIBLE hacking coughs, and now runny/stuffy noses. Both kids had low grade fevers for 5 days straight before broke down and made a Doctor's appointment. The only reason Baleigh has been to the DR since she was born was for shots earlier this year and a physical to get them approved for some Army activities. Thor has only been a handfull of times and they were all updating shots related.
The Doctor was super pleasant and the kids were really cooperative when she needed them to breathe a certain way or say "AAAGH". She explained that they both had viral bronchitis probably caught from another kid around them. She explained that antibiotics don't work for this kind of illness and that the kids would be contagious until their symptoms subsided in a couple of weeks.
Baleigh has been coughing so hard the past few days that she has vomited on a couple of occasions and Thor is walking around looking haggard due to the broken blood vessels in his eyes. He is so miserable and hates the taste of cough medicine so he won't take it.
Neither of them has been sleeping well and wake up coughing multiple times during the night. I haven't had this much sleep deprivation since OCS (or when we had two babies) lol. The worse part of it is when I have to leave for work. We usually have a pleasant good bye thing going on- I tell them I have to go and they run to the door with at least one stuffed animal each and I give good bye hugs and kisses to everyone and am on my way. The last week has been full of crying and clinging to my leg and begging me not to go because they will "miss me" or they "need me" to stay home. It breaks my heart and reminds me how blessed we have been to have such healthy kids on a consistent basis.
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