Thursday, December 9, 2010

Family Pictures

It has been many years since we have had a professional family picture taken. So last week  we headed to Olan Mills to remedy that. I remember as a kid going to Olan Mills with my brothers and sisters to get pictures taken. I have alot of good memories of getting ready and trying to look our best for one of the few times we had pictures taken as a family. My favorite picture is one of my sisters and me all dressed in black and white on a white background. We actually look like we liked eachother. And you would never guess that it was probably 100 deg out that day from what we are wearing. But it was a darn cute picture. I give my mom mad props for doing all that with as many kids as she had. I don't know how she did it.

I really like how the kids' pictures turned out and am so very proud of how the one with Jake and them turned out especially. Check them out!

Image Center - Olan Mills Portrait Studios
Image Center - Olan Mills Portrait Studios


  1. These are beautiful!! Love the outfits!! What a great family you guys have!

    (I can't figure out how to order one.... am I missing something??)

  2. Don't order any! We're sending them out in Christmas cards after we pick them up tomorrow!
