Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Elf on the Shelf 2013

I know many of my friends have taken on the Elf on the Shelf tradition, while still others have decided against it. Several years ago, my best friend in the world brought this little guy into our lives. The kids look forward to his arrival every Black Friday and are sad to see him go on Christmas Eve. This year, after weeks of prayers, We had a little girl elf join our family. I know some people don't take the time to do something extensive with their elves, having them just move from one location in the house to the next...however, I really get a kick out of finding fun and exciting projects for our elf to do. It makes me smile to hear the kids get up early in the day and look for him (them).   

I think a little baking is in order

We had magical double duty in the house this night. Our resident tooth fairy gave our little elf a kiss on the cheek and folded the dollar into a peacock. Quite talented!

Countdown to Christmas is on. Chilling in his bath robe, reading this naughty and nice list.

Remembering Pearl Harbor Day with a little friendly competition
Why take the bull by the horns when you can take the ram?

Snowball fight with a snowman! Sure, why not?

Keeping company with princesses. Even elves get lonely at night.

Our artistic little guy

Tonight, after many prayers for an elf of her own, Baleigh's elf "Violet" showed up to keep Leif company on the long winter nights.

Date Night
Cirque De Soleil

Playing Dress up

Come on ride the train.....

More acrobatics

Packing peanut igloo, made for 2.

Leif taking good care of Violet when she was sick.

Cookie thieves! 

Leif came to visit at mommy's office. Minds were blown on this stunt.

Candy Throne!

Gingerbread village. They assembled all the houses for the annual gingerbread decorating contest. Such fun.
Dry run for Santa - needed to make sure the chimney was clear!

Yay! Baby Jesus is here!!!!

Saying goodby to our little elf friends. Tonight Santa will take them home with him, so they didn't need their magic.

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