Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fit Kids... and Pinterest

Last night after the kids had taken their bath they were supposed to be brushing their teeth in the main bath. All of the sudden I hear a crash and a bang. The kids were then furiously whispering about something and I hear Baleigh start crying, and asking Thor why he said it was a good idea. I walked in to find the kids futilely attempting to put the town bar bracket back in the wall.

The story came out that they were attempting to do pull-ups on the bar and it pulled out of the wall.

This would have been cute and funny - IF - and it was a big if - I had not put off hanging that towel bar for about 6 weeks because the wall anchors were such a pain to get in. Now I have a GIANT hole in my bathroom wall that needs to be patched and the rack re-hung.

The take away from this for me, was that no matter what my kids will find a way to work out. I should be proud, right?

* Bonus to this story: I took time to chill out with some pinterest later that night and found the cutest hooks with a backboard that will look so much cuter in the bathroom than that towel rack. Now I have a new project for the weekend....and I am pretty sure they will cover the hole in the wall so I won't have to break out a patch kit. That is what I consider a win-win.

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