Sunday, June 24, 2012

Picture update of Moving from Texas and the beginning of Peggy Sue's Face Lift.

Getting ready to clear out of our empty house in Texas.

We made it out of TEXAS!!!! Oklahoma never seemed so awesome!

The first thing you see in Oklahoma after the welcome sign.

Baleigh and her puppy fast asleep in the car. They napped together alot.
Our wrecked kitchen prior to us doing more wrecking.

More kitchen boxes

First kitchen face lift. All the paneling is gone and cupboards painted.
Yucky yellow bathroom. With carpet on the floor. Gross

Our new "cracker crumb" bathroom with soon to be removed carpeting
Baleigh's room waiting to be painted "possibly pink"

Baleigh's room painted and put together. Minus her soon to come curtains.
Tackling the first plumbing issue in our new house. I ended up calling the plumber after three DIY attempts.

Updated swing set from one of my parent's neighbors. Two cans of spray paint later it looks nice.

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