Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby Pork Chop

We have been researching dogs that will fit into our lifestyle for some time now and had decided that an English Bulldog was the perfect fit for our family. They are fiercely loyal to their families while being great with kids, after the puppy stage they are pretty laid back low energy dogs (just like ME!), they love to eat, hang out and cuddle.

I have been in contact with several breeders learning what I could about the breed and finally settled on a breeder in northern Oklahoma. They had advertised a little girl puppy about a month ago but that had the sweetest face. Unfortunately by the time we committed to buying her she was already purchased. This past week I was checking out their website again and THERE SHE WAS! She was significantly less expensive because her previous buyer had fallen through and now she was past the prime puppy stage. We discussed it and called them the next day. We arranged to drive up and pick her up that weekend.

We are very in love with her and her sweet personality.   She is the perfect addition to our little family.

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