Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Family Updates.

I didn't want to down play the family highlights from this year so I am giving them their own place in our little blog.

Jake's brother Adam and his wife Sarah adopted a baby boy they named Wylie Garret this past spring. His adoption was finalized on our anniversary - October 1st. He we don't get to see him much but he is a cutie from the pictures that we have seen.

My brother Clayton and his wife Gretchen had their fist child this summer as well. Emma Louise is a tiny little thing with big blue eyes. She is very attentive and quite a good baby.

My brother Chad married Emily Sieble on September 12th in northern Wisconsin. I was unable to make it but Jake and the kids made the trek up to show family support. : ) They are expecting a baby this summer.

Jake's older brother Jeremy married his longtime girlfriend Sarah this fall as well. They got married the same weekend as Chad and Emily and had a fantastic honeymoon in Florida at Disney World. It was so great in fact, that they came home to Chicago and immediately started making plans to move to Florida and work for Mickey Mouse himself. They will be making that journey in mid February.

My sister Hannah graduated from highschool - as did Jake's brother Brad. Both are attending junior college. Hannah in Freeport at my Alma Mater Highland Community College and Brad at Jake's Alma Mater, Joliet Junior College.

I think that wraps up the major family happenings this year. I wonder what 2010 holds for us all.

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