Today while driving to the grocery store an interesting conversation occurred in the car. The song "Wrecking Ball" came on the radio and Baleigh asked me what the girl was talking about when she said "All I wanted to do was for you to let me in". I told her that the girl was looking for the person she loved to love her back and they didn't. Comedy ensued. Thor chimed in by saying he knew exactly what she meant. Last summer Abby (a girl from his class) wanted to try and kiss him and put a ring on him (try not to laugh when he says this with a dead serious face). He said he told her he was too young to have a girlfriend and they could be just friends. She didn't stop and chased him around the playground - since she wasn't very good at the monkey bars he would run there and climb them so she couldn't get to him. I tried my best to keep the smiles under wraps but I was so proud of my little guy realizing that girlfriends can wait, and he was honest with her.
While putting groceries away Baleigh asked me what a dictator was? I asked why and she said she had just heard the word somewhere. So we discussed the Holocaust and how Hitler came into power. They were both horrified to learn that someone could take power over a country and their people and send them to camps and even kill them. It was a good half hour conversation about the things that can happen when the people are no longer in control of their government. Not sure if this was an age appropriate conversation but they kept asking questions and as long as they were curious I was going to answer them.