Sunday, April 4, 2010

I guess we are slacking....

In the past couple of months we have been really busy. Between work and family and friends visiting we haven't had a moment to sit still and just be.

A few weeks back Jake's younger brother Adam came for a few days to visit and see where we lived. We had a ball taking him all over and showing him the area. I played hookey from work one afternoon so I could join them going to the Waco Zoo which was amazing and since it is so close we got a membership to it! While in Waco we also went to a place called Buzzard Billy's - its a local Cajun restaurant where we tried craw fish for the fist time. Thor is IN LOVE! we couldn't peel them fast enough for him.

We also took a picnic lunch and went to the Dino Park near Austin. It was fun for the kids although not a great adult activity. On the way back home from there we stopped in at the Harley Store in Round Rock to check out the bikes. Thor had a dollar bill that he thought he was going to get a bike with. He showed it to a salesman and the guy told him when he had big stack of those with some zero's behind it he'd hook him up.

WE had a week's reprieve from visitors when Jake's step mom Cori came for a visit. The kids were so excited that MeeMaw Cori was coming. WE ate BBQ at the Salt Lick (and although very tasty every time I am done with it for a while)...Went out to Belton Lake to do some recon for a project I am working on, ate some steak and Jake and Cori took the kids to the Waco Zoo one day while I was at work.

The highlight of the visit for me was going to the Inner Space Caverns. It is a giant cave that Texan's are very proud of. The kids had fun and so did the gown ups. I wasn't able to go back to Austin to take Cori back to the Airport but while down there they also went to the Lady Bird Johnson Gardens. It was really amazing Jake said.

Thor was asleep when they dropped MeeMaw off at the airport so when he woke up an hour later at home he was devastated to see that she was gone. It was really sad.

Jake and I went to a newcomers training for the Brigade a few weeks back and had a great time meeting some of the people in my Brigade. The chaplain is really amazing and it was a great time to just spend together. Rarely do we get out with out the kids so it was wonderful that they provided daycare at the church where the training was held. The kids a ball and Jake and I got to relax.

I know that we have done more since I last updated but can't think of what at the moment.

The kids and I decorated/dyed easter eggs last night and they searched for their easter baskets this morning. The bunny only left a few candies and some trinkets so as not to set the bar too high for next year. : )