Tuesday, April 29, 2014


For the 2nd time since starting his new job, Jake had a full weekend off. We called his mom to see if she had plans for Easter and we were invited to come and visit her and her family down in Hobart, IN.
Saturday morning we went to the Easter Egg Hunt here in Lena, where the kids had a ball. Both Thor and Baleigh found one of the eggs with a prize in it. Thor actually found two, but decided to give one to another child so someone else could have a prize too.

We drove as far as Oak Forrest, IL on Saturday and spent the afternoon/evening with the best friends in the whole world. Katie and Skippy are the most wonderful host and hostess.

We got up bright and early on Easter morning to find that the Easter bunny had actually found us! After getting dressed up, Jake took us on the scenic drive through his childhood neighborhoods. It was fun for the kids to see where he had grown up.

Flip flops and pearls.....one classy little girl

Our handsome little man.

Loving their grandma Diane. Couldn't ask for a better grandma.
We played at the park, visited with family and had a generally wonderful time. It was a weekend to remember.


Happy little boy with his daddy

Look at that cheese face!

About to be awarded for an excellent year of performance
Last Wednesday was the final night of AWANA for the kids. They have spent the last 9 months learning Bible verses, stories, and lessons at church on Wednesday nights. Baliegh was awarded the second highest honor, for leaning the most verses and performing all required tasks. She went above and beyond what was required in several categories and earned the Excellence Award for her division. Thor completed all required memorization and received a ribbon and certificate of recognition for a job well done. Both kids love AWANA and have enjoyed the last two years being part of something bigger than themselves. I started volunteering every other Wednesday and may step it up to every Wed. next year. I am so proud of our kiddos, and the people they have become/are becoming.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Lava Goes to School

Today Thor was asked to bring his fire bellied toad "Lava" to school with him. He was so proud to be able to introduce him to the class! I got to be there when he was introduced and for a 1st grader he did an excellent job of hitting all the important points of habitat, food, sleep habits, and camouflage. He showed the other students how to carefully hold the box and look quietly so as not to upset Lava.

I don't think I have ever seen him so proud of something as he was of that toad. I know kids grow up and change, but I will be very shocked if he does not grow up to work with animals. He is such a cute kid.