Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cave of the Mounds

Family Photo - Cave of the Mound, WI

The kids were being especially kind to each other on this particular outing. They had a good time walking the cave system. It was really nice to see them getting along so well.

This was a picture of the kids with some flow rock, nic named the painted waterfall. Baleigh was overjoyed to find out that there were no bats living in this cave. She was worried some might get caught in her hair.

A beautiful column formation in the cave

We went to the Grumpy Troll for lunch. WE were sitting on the patio but we got rained out. By the time we finished lunch it was sunny and beautiful out again.

He was supposed to be giving me a grumpy look but he was taking conflicting instructions from our friend Donnavan. We explored the caves with Kathy and Donnavan and they went with us to Mount Horeb, WI for lunch and to tour the art festival going on there. Baleigh was in 7th heaven because they had bouncy houses and a trampoline to keep kids occupied. It was a really great day out with friends.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Creeping Up On a Year

I am quickly approaching the one year anniversary of coming off active duty. I can hardly believe it has been a year already! Here we are in the midst of summer and I just started a new job! I started the day prior to my 33rd birthday. I am officially the book keeper for the Lena-Winslow High School.

On July 3rd we went to Freeport's Firework display and got together with my whole family. It was fun for the cousins to get together and watch the show together.

The 4th of July was different than it has been in years past. Originally we had intended to go and visit friends in Michigan but as the time got closer, family obligations took presidence...that, and now I have a different work schedule so I can't take off like we thought. Instead, Jake's parents  came up on Thursday and we took a little family bike trip. The kids hung out with Grandma for the day and Grandpa, Jake and I took a ride to Balltown, IA. We cooked out in the afternoon and even hit up one the the neighboring town's fireworks displays.

Usually we spend the 4th with my family at my aunt and uncle's farm in Wisconsin but we deviated from tradition to spend time with part of the Nielsen clan. We had invited more Nielsen's but they were unable to make it ... however, we will see them in a few weeks at the annual gathering of the Nielsen't in August.

The kids started swimming lessons today and I am going to make the valient effort to get a million things done while I am off of work for that week. I have flower girl dresses to make, a bachelorette party to plan and send invites out for, meal planning and shopping and prepping for a few weeks, a wedding shower to attend, and its also the week of the county fair!. Sounds pretty relaxing to me.

Here are a few pics from the first annual Nielsen Family Bike Trip.

 This was Bill's favorite picture from the weekend. For being a spur of the moment photo I have to agree - Cori did a nice job of taking it.
Bean in her element with PeePaw

Jake and his dad at a scenic overlook in Iowa

Taking a ride with his daddy

Jake and I taking a break from the ride.

She couldn't get enough of taking motorcycle rides. She asks for a ride every night before bed now.