Sunday, May 29, 2011

May In Review

May has come and gone in a whirlwind fashion. Early on we celebrated Jake's Birthday and Mother's Day all in one weekend. Jake and the kids looked at my fondness for Dr Who and got me a novelty pen that is also the Dr's sonic screwdriver. I love it! The kids and I got Jake a new set of weights for his big day. Not the most glamorous gift but we just couldn't find anything really great. We also got him a ticket to see Thor (the movie) on opening weekend.

The next 14 days were spent out in the field in a Texas monsoon. It always amazes me how living in miserable conditions brings people together. There were a few people whom I work with that are generally pretty difficult to handle and we all banded together and (as the Army puts it) "embraced the suck".

on the 19th I had my 3rd and hopefully final oral surgery. It was not nearly as painful as the last one and the recover is going about twice as fast as I expected. I get my stitches out on Tuesday and will be back to normal workouts in no time. On top of the fact that I no longer have exposed nerves and constant pain in my mouth!

This past week flew by due to the amazingly large work load that I have been under. I love weeks like this- even if they are incredibly frustrating at times. I got to teach a three hour class on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence to my soldiers. It feels good to be able to give advice I have from life experience to young married guys (and girls).

Memorial Day is tomorrow and here in the Nielsen house we will be remembering those who have gone before us and given the ultimate sacrifice. SPC Michael Smith was Jake's closest friend and he gave his life for his country over 6 years ago. He will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

San Antonio/Easter

                                                   Hanging with the monkeys
                                             Mommy and her little girl
                                                     Thor met Bumble Bee at the Wax Museum
                                                      At the Alamo with Grandma
                                                          Easter Morning Cuties
                                                          1st Easter Basket
                                                          I found it!