Monday, May 31, 2010

sex in the city...

Its been a while since I caught you all up to speed on life. In the past month I have spent two weeks in the field doing lots of craziness. I got back just in time for a harried 4 day work week and then a glorious 4 day weekend. Mother - in - law Diane came for the weekend. We went shopping, to the petting zoo across the street where thor rode his first pony, and camel. He was so excited! I also went to see sex in the city 2 with Diane and loved it. It was one of the most real movies I have seen in a while. Although most of us won't fly to Abudabui any time soon, the quiet/crazy moments that happen in their lives aren't that different from my daily struggles to juggle carreer, love, family etc. Girlfriends are beyond amazing. They are the sisters that you choose. Jake and I also got to go out to the fights and a movie this weekend. I love my mother in law! I would write more but our computer crashed last week so this is a blackberry update. : )

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Life in the Field

For the past two weeks we have been in the field. This week is the only we where I actually count being in the field though. The first week I didnt' even make it out of the office. The second week I was in the TOC (tactical operations center) in the morning and then went out to the field for the day. I returned home and slept in my own bed every night though. Love it! During this week I certified and entire battalions worth of operational decon teams. For this our Brigade commander (really big deal kinda guy) recognized my efforts in my field and gave me a brigade coin. That is a really coveted thing.

Then Saturday morning I was up bright (or dark however you look at it) and shiny early in to the office to run my first convoy. I was the convoy commander for around 30 vehicles. I had to take us through the op for (opositional forces) village where we were attacked by small arms fire. WE just kept on trucking and everyone made it to the site in one piece.

We started site set up and got our actual time in the field rolling. I helped set up the TOC and then headed out with the XO (Executive officer : Maj Soliz) to a meeting with all the commanders and 1st sgts.

Then I headed back to our area of operations. I sat in the TOC for couple more hours until I asked what time the shift change was going to be. IT was apparently a few hours prior so I called my NCO and told him it was his turn (since he was night shift). I went in to sleep in my truck. I layed down my sleeping bag and got in some shorts and was asleep faster than you could imagine. I slept so well for sleeping on a steel bed of a truck. I only have 5 more hours on shift and i have been at work for 8 hours and 45 minutes so far. lol. Too bad I don't get paid by the hour.

Its not a bad job. I really lke it most days. Looking forward to our little vacation in June. I just filled out my leave paperwork today and will turn it into the S1(admin office) tonight when he comes in for work. Hopefully everything goes well.